Helloo there :)
As you can already guess by the picture today's post is the Liebster Award which I was kindly nominated for by Agne. Thank you so much for nominating me, this post definitely seems like a bit of fun :) The Liebster Award was created as a way for people to discover new blogs :)
The rules are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and leave their link
2. Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
3. Nominate between 5 and 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 new questions for the people who you have nominated to answer
5. Let your nominees know that you have nominated them
Below are the questions that Agne gave me and my answers to them:
1. What is your most embarrassing memory of a lifetime?
Whenever I get asked questions like this I always forget everything. The most embarrassing memory I can remember is a recent one. I went for a day trip to Go Ape with a friend and they have these zip wire type things that you use to get down from the trees on. When you get to the bottom you are meant to land on your feet only I didn't I landed backwards on my bum and this caused not only my trousers to be pulled down but also my pants! It was rather embarrassing to say the least! Especially as I then had to walk round with bark in my pants for the rest of the course.
2. Favourite breakfast and Lunch dishes?
Now this one is an easy one to answer as I LOVE breakfast! I would eat breakfast all day everyday if I could. My favourite breakfast however and I have it everyday is Weetabix Minis the chocolate ones mixed with some all bran and milk of course. I'm not a big fan of lunch so I don't have a favourite lunch dish.
3. The best cosmetic brand for you is
This is a hard one as I love so many different brands for different reasons. It's a tough one but I think it would have to be MAC as that's where the largest section of my make up comes from.
4. Family or career? And why?
Now I'm a big family person so of course family first as that's just the way I am and family will always be the most important thing for me as they have been there through everything and they are incredibly supportive.
5. If you could choose between living a celebrity life or an ordinary people life, what would you choose?
I have thought about this lots before, but I think I would always choose an ordinary life as I like to do things in certain ways and I'm not sure you would be able to do normal everyday things if you where famous. Having to deal with press and hate etc would drive me mad too. Although I wouldn't mind being a celebrity for one day just to see what it feels like.
6. Imagine meeting your idol and you could ask just one question. What would you ask him/her?
I don't really have idols but the person who I most look up to is my mum so I would ask her what I was having for dinner.
7. Why did you start blogging?
This is a great question! I started blogging as I wanted somewhere that I could write down what I'm thinking and share with people the things I do and don't like. I also love taking photographs and a blog is a great way to share them. Another reason was my Aspergers syndrome, I wanted to write posts to help others who might be in a similar situation to me.
8. The best movie you have ever seen?
Without a doubt my favourite movie ever is ELF! I love this film to pieces and I can't tell you how many times I have watched it and it never seems to get boring and always makes me laugh.
9. What is your dream job?
My dream job is to be retired! This is what I used to tell my teachers what I wanted to do when I left school. I'm not retired but the dream is still there! If I could have any job in the world I would love to be an airline pilot, I always wanted to do this when I was younger and have flown a couple of times and loved it however my medication unfortunately means I'm not able to fly but it doesn't stop it being my dream job.
10. Three things you can't live without
The first thing I couldn't live without would be Barney of course! My dog is my best friend, I hate being away from him for even a couple of hours. The 2nd thing I couldn't live without is my mum, I don't know what I would do without her she is always there to pick me up when I'm down and she is unbelievably supportive. The 3rd thing I couldn't live without is chocolate milkshakes! I'm obsessed with chocolate milkshakes I have one everyday where ever I am.
11. What can you wish for other bloggers?
I wish that other bloggers are able to get everything out of their blog that they want to and that it is something they love doing :)
The questions for my nominees are:
1. What is your favourite colour?
2. What noise does a giraffe make?
3. What's your favourite pudding?
4. If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
5. What's your favourite animal?
6. What's your favourite candle?
7. What's your favourite TV programme?
8. What is your favourite season; summer, spring, autumn or winter? And why?
9. What is your favourite way to relax and De-stress?
10. What's the best joke you know?
11. If you could be any celebrity for one day who would you be and why?
My nominees are:
1. Charlotte at http://www.basicisbeauty.blogspot.co.uk/
2. Laura at http://www.blameitontherainbeauty.com/
4. Niamh at http://beautybud3598.blogspot.ie/
5. Jadie at http://jadiespillett.com/
6. Karen at http://www.jinksybeauty.blogspot.co.uk/
Hope you guys enjoy this it's good fun :) make sure that you all check out each others blogs and pass this on as it's a great way for new bloggers to get their blogs out there a bit more and a great way to find new blogs!
As usual hope you are all well and jolly :)
Nice to see that your dad doesn't even get close to a chocolate milkshake!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the nomination, lovely answers!