Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Favourite Book (current)

Hello there :) Hope you have all had a fantastic day, if not smile its only 353 days till christmas!! Yay I hear you say just what you wanted to hear, well now you've herd! I even know some people that have brought wrapping paper already, now that is organised. I actually think it was because it was in the sale and super cheap, and who doesn't love a bargin right?!

I'm lacking a bit of inspiration today, well basically my mind hasn't had enough time to wander and think yet as I've been rather busy. I won't bore you all with what I've been doing, some of you who know me will probably be able to guess, those of you who don't I've been riding magical unicorns around planet spanner! I joke I'm just going to tell you now as I've started to ramble. I've been riding horses, and if any of you are horsey people you will know far to well that horses take up so much time, tears, energy etc yet we still love them stupid amounts! Maybe we are all just mad!! 

Fun fact: My brother is wearing tiger socks today!! Maybe he wants to become a tiger?!

Anyway back to my blog title! I absolutely love reading! Who doesn't?! I think it's a great way to relax and I think there is nothing better than losing yourself in a book!! Not literally though otherwise the world would be full of giant books, or we would be super cool and have the ability to shrink ourselves and get lost in the pages! Guess the second idea would mean you would be able to get out of doing jobs around the house, but actually thinking about it the first idea might mean we all get squashed! 

Anyway the book I am currently reading at the moment is Graham Norton's memoir, The Life And Loves Of A He Devil.  I Literally don't have enough good words to say about this book! If you haven't got it or already read it, I definitely recommend you to go and buy this! I got it on offer at WHSmith from £20 down to £8, I'm not sure if the offer is still on, but even if it isn't still go buy it. Personally I don't think you will regret it! I have literally never stopped laughing whilst reading this book! I'm currently still reading as I have a great habit of falling asleep after reading a few words, saying that I fall asleep whilst doing anything, even whilst I was at the Olympics!! My favourite paragraph so far is the dogs one (obviously). It was hilarious and I think pretty much every dog owner can relate to it. I love how he says If dignity is something that interests you never get a dog. I think he is so true haha! I love Graham Norton anyway, I always watch is programme! One of the things that I think a lot of people love about him is his personality, he does not at any point come across as being arrogant or better than others instead he comes across as a down to earth man, a hilarious one. If you haven't seen any of his shows, I also recommend checking them out! So yeah that's my favourite book at the moment!

Whats your favourite book at the moment? 

My brother has one of his first university interviews tomorrow, and it's for one of his top choices. Fingers crossed for him please everyone as he has worked so hard on his portfolio and is such a talented little bean (he might kill me for calling him a little bean so bye if he does :P ) 

Also forgot to say yesterday, I apologise if my spelling isn't great or my grammer isn't brilliant its never been my strong point, we are not all perfect so please no hate :) everybody is different a good at different things that's what makes us all different! Remember its all about celebrating difference not indifference. I love that quote, I found it on the autism website and its something that I never forget and remind myself when I'm feeling down or when other people put me down! So maybe say that to yourselves at times when you are feeling down or negative :) Remember positive thoughts are the way forward! Turn that frown upside down :) :) 

I wonder what it would be like if we where all the same? Who would we all look like? I reckon we would all be like the queen! Imagine how funny that would be! Hundreds of the queen walking round everywhere, but then there would need to be men to........who would they be like? Zac Efron maybe? Now that would be a good world, actually it would be really strange. Wait and would their even be a Queen or Zac Efron if we were all the same. I'm thinking into this far to much. 

Here is a picture of Barney on one of his chairs today :) He loves sitting on these, sometimes I think he thinks he is a human, he's not though he's a dog as he sniff other dogs bums and well humans don't do that! He pushed me off this chair today to, I only wanted to sit on the chair with him but no he gave me a right shove with his legs! Rude just pure rudeness!! 

Hope you are all well and jolly :) 

Anna-louise xx 



  1. I've been reading the real on born every minute book ryan bought me for xmas. I'm not a great reader but I thought I better as it was a present

  2. That sounds like an interesting book, is it good? You love the programme one born every minute don't you? Xx

  3. Yeah its fab, I like all true life books


Thank you for taking the time to read my random rambles, would love to know what you guys think about them :)

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