Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Favourite phone cases

Hi guys! 

Hope all is well and good and that your all having a lovely jubbly day :) Remember never forget to smile! Smiling is the best, although if you pull a cheesy grin all the time your jaw may start to hurt, so maybe just a nice gentler smile might work better and reduce jaw ache. Smiling is fun though, sometimes I find myself smiling to  myself sometimes than I think I just look silly and stop and then think who cares so smile again! I'm sorry I went off on a ramble then I do apologise, talking ramble not walking ramble.

So today I thought I would write about my current favourite phone cases. I don't know about you guys but I love phone cases I'm always buying them if I see a nice one! You can never have too many phone cases right?!

I Also like to have phone cases for my mood, season, outfit, sunny days one etc. I'm probably thinking too much into these phone cases,  but that's the silly old apsergers brain again, always thinking into things to much. That's just me though and I like me today :) 

The phone case I'm using at the moment is my newest one and I love it, well if I didn't love it I wouldn't be writing about it in this blog post silly me. I couldn't resist buying this case as the quote on it is so me. I say it all the time. I would love to hide in my rooms a lot of the time and just speak to Barney, as he is my favourite person to talk to (I know he's a dog really). Having aspergers means talking to people is difficult for me and not what I enjoy doing so definitely talking to Barney is the best. So this case describes my mood well. The other thing I love about this case is that it's rubber therefore its more sturdy and my phone tends to bounce more if dropped in this than a hard case. It's from asos and was about £10 so if you like it go check it out :) 

Now I don't know about you guys but I LOVE Christmas, I know we have a long wait till next Christmas (338 days and counting) but I'm already excited, one of my favourite times of the year. Anyway I can imagine a lot of you are the same and at Christmas time have to have everything Christmassy, so therefore I couldn't resist buying a Christmas phone case which I will admit first went on my phone in November! It's a hard case and I love the design I thought it was different and cute. I can't remember the name of where it was from, I think I saw one of these on Instagram and just fell in love. From what I can remember it was around £12 but worth every penny as it's a Christmas phone case!!

This case was a cheeky January sales purchase. I was drawn to the pretty pattern and I was ordering from Topshop anyway I thought why not. It was only £4 too! Bargain :) I just love the design of it and thought it would be a nice summer case as it's bright and makes me feel happy and reminds me of summer :) This case is also a hard case and just beautiful. 

This case was a present from my dad, because he's the best! He travels a lot with his work and saw this and thought of me. He was right a phone case covered in Labradors was right up my street, even though the Labradors are blue which is something I've never seen before. Have any of you come across blue Labrador?! 

These two cases are some of my favourite's as they are plain and simple and still look great on your phone. They are also my two favourite colours, pink and blue. The other thing I love about these cases is that the are a silicone/rubber style case which makes them bouncy so if you drop your phone it usually bounces in these which is great. These cases also look a bit like they have bubbles or are bubble wrap which is cool, I love bubble wrap it's all poppy. 

Hope you have enjoyed this post thought it was a little different :) 
What is your favourite phone case? 

Barney wanted to be in the pictures again, he's a right poser! I always post a picture of Barney to so here he is!! Sorry I didn't include one in yesterdays post, he kept moving so couldn't get a decent picture. He just can't keep still sometimes. He is asleep at my feet as I write this though!

Hope you are all well and Jolly :) 



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