Monday, 12 January 2015

Aspergers Syndrome | 1st achievement of 2015

Hello Lovely People!
How are you all? Hope you've had a lovely day :) Remember never forget to smile. 

So today I thought I would write a blog post about something that's quite close to my heart. You may or may not know that I have Asperger's if you already did thats cool, if you didn't know, well you do now. If you don't know what Asperger's is think of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory and well that's a very good interpretation of what it is.  I was only diagnosed about a year and half ago, and throughout a lot of my childhood a lot of basic things have been a struggle for infact even now somethings I'm unable to do. However since being diagonsed I've been working really hard on getting to know myself and working on the things that are a struggle for me. I believe in the saying you can do anything you want to do if you put your mind to it, well at least I think that's the saying. I thought that I would write a blog post every time a make an achievement. It might help other people who read this who are in the same situation as me, to help them work towards achieving the things that they want to you. 

Now to a lot of people the big achievement I made today will seem like nothing but to me it was one of the biggest things of my life. I have a real thing about being by myself, or doing anything by myself, or going anywhere by myself. I get incredibly anxious, and my emotions go all over the place, my only way of describing of how I was in those situations is out of control, no matter what people said nothing would stop how I was feeling. I think I may have only ever been to Tesco's once or twice by myself before, and usually then I would have someone waiting in the car for me. The other day I put fuel in the car all by myself for the first time since learning to drive which was 2 and half years ago, and I didn't even panic when something went a little bit wrong, instead I handled the situation well (That's a first for me). I've been working so hard on my confidence, and today for the first time I drove all the way to Yorkshire with just barney in the car. 

I've been to Charlotte's in Yorkshire a number of times since she moved up there but somebody always took me and stayed close by. However after lots of practice shorter drives I finally decided to make the 3 hour drive up to Yorkshire and....... I DID IT!! YAY!! I made it all the way there safely and I'm so proud of myself. Let me just say though there where still lots of phone calls made throughout the journey mainly to my mum, but also my dad, gran and Charlotte. The weather was awful which didn't make driving condition's easy, the rain was so heavy at times I literally couldn't see, I also thought people where following me and that I had burst my tire at one point as I herd a funny noise! Neither of those did happen but that's just my Aspergers brain for you, always over thinking and thinking about the worst possible out come. Despite those things I still made it in one piece. I had my music really loud and was singing at the top of my voice (I can't sing) but the nice thing about travelling with just Barney was the fact my brother or dad weren't there to tell me to stop attempting to sing so I could just carry on!  I have still got to make it back on Wednesday, I'm sure I will but will keep you updated. 

So there you have it, that's my first big achievement of this year. I'm definitely going to keep writing my achievements in the hope that it may help others learn that nothing is impossible or that it will just make people smile hearing about how I'm coming on. 

Whats big achievements have you guys made? I would love to hear about them or if you want to share any of your own experiences of Aspergers with me then I would also love to hear them.

Also a big thanks to the lovely Barney for keeping me company, giving me confidence and putting up with my singing. 

Hope you are all well and Jolly

Over and out 




  1. Well done you! Love your very proud dadx

    1. Thank you daddy :) got to make it back down there yet!

  2. I'd definitely consider driving all the way to Yorkshire an achievement! Well Done! xx

    1. Thank you :) it's just started snowing up here, going to have to wrap up warm and pack a shovel for the journey home I think! Xx

  3. Well done Anna a great achievement! You deserve a trip to the milkshake shop!! Axx

  4. Thank you Angela! Yes I think I do :) xx

  5. Well done honey. You should be very proud of yourself. Next trip, trip to see your god daughter what you reckon?lol

  6. Well done honey. You should be very proud of yourself. Next trip, trip to see your god daughter what you reckon?lol


Thank you for taking the time to read my random rambles, would love to know what you guys think about them :)

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