Monday, 15 January 2018

Lifestyle | Where have I been?

Well hey strangers! It's certainly been a long while or should I say a few years even! Apparently life can get very busy and well take up all your time. My blog definitely took a back seat whilst I've been traveling around the world (that's a lie but sounds cool), whilst I've been travelling around my bubble as I like to call it! I'm not sure where to start with filling you all in with what I've been up to otherwise I could be writing this post for years but I'll try and do a brief summary for you all!

What exciting things have you all been up to over the past couple years? 

So let's begin.....

First I moved house which I mentioned before. Then I bought my own home with my now husband (yes someone was mad enough to marry me). We then spent what felt like forever doing it up and decorating it and making it look lovely, which it is. However I then decided that it was all too much for me to be living in my own home thanks to my aspergers and was just too much for me to cope with so we are now much to my parents excitement (or not) back living at theirs. But not just Jack, Barney and me, also an incredibly annoying but lovely cocker spaniel named Robin oh and if that wasn't enough a soon to be newborn baby as I'm now pregnant! You can probably imagine how thrilled they are to have us back and their peace and quiet taken away! 

So yeah in the past couple of years I've managed to gain another dog to the collection, he is awesome but beyond annoying and incredibly lively! Basically the dog version of me; drive you mad most of the time but the cuteness and the character makes you love us! As lovely as it is having two dogs I'm not sure how mum and dad feel as it means there are currently 4 in the house as they have two of their own; we are not short of dog hair to say the least! I've included below a picture of me dancing with Robin on my wedding day as everyone dances with their dog at their wedding!

Aswell as the added addition of a dog I got married last April! It was by far the best day of my life so far as I married my best friend Jack who is currently snoring next to me so thought I would write this post! I'm planning on doing some blog posts on my wedding day and about how I made it autism friendly.

And then just because I'm someone who loves change and being busy (haha biggest joke yet) Jack and I decided to start a family. We are expecting our first baby in April this year!!! Not long to go now! We are incredibly excited although I can't lie I'm not enjoying this whole being pregnant thing. I'm also planning on doing some posts on pregnancy and then baby posts too so if thats not for you sorry you'll have to skip those ones. The bad quality image below is of our small human despite the fact he looks more like an alien at 16 weeks old. He is now a lot bigger and so am I!

And as always I will continue to do a Barney photo at the end of my posts, although to spice things up a bit I'm going to alternate them between Barney and Robin as I can't be seen to be favouring one or the other! The one below for this post is them pulling Jack and I out of the church! 

Hope you are all well and jolly :) 



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